Pay vendors on the go, however you like. Use your card (2.9% fee) to earn more rewards and improve cash flow, or pay with a bank transfer for free.
“We are able to expedite payments 2-3 times quicker than before and, more importantly, eliminate costly inefficiencies.”
“Melio is super easy to set up and use. Being able to enter bills in QBO and have them in Melio has been game-changing for payables management and cash flow forecasting.”
"No words to describe how great Melio is; perfect for small businesses. You can use Melio entirely for free to process ACH payments to vendors… The layout and speed of payments are great!”
Hold onto cash longer. Vendors get paid on time, you only pay at the end of your billing cycle.
Pay by card and earn every time you pay your business bills. Get cashback, airline miles, points, etc.
No more bottlenecks—easily approve or decline payments from your phone.