Get up to 45 extra days to hold on to cash. How? Pay your business bills with a credit card (2.9% fee), even where cards aren’t accepted*. Vendors get paid on time while you only pay when your credit card bill is due.
When you use your credit card to pay vendors who only accept checks - Melio will write and send the check on your behalf. Save time and leave the hassle of writing and mailing checks behind.
Take advantage of your rewards, use your credit card and earn every time you pay your business bills. Get cashback, airline miles, front row tickets, or whatever else you want to use your points for.
Sync your QuickBooks Online account and import your bills and vendors to get an easier, quicker, payment flow - no double data entry, no manual errors and best of all you save tons of time.
“Melio gives you many options to have a good look at cash flow because you’re seeing what’s going out and what’s coming in and you get immediate feedback when a bill is paid.”
“As a business owner I had nothing but a great experience with Melio. Racking up CC points through my normal course of business, extends my 'Days Payable' even further by using CC for all expenses and the simple user interface makes it easy to get in, pay bills and get out”
“Melio has been key to my Accounts Payable functions. They’ve allowed me to float a ton of expenses while not having to take out loans. Their simple user interface and awesome customer support free up our staff to deal with other problem areas. Well done!.”