The best way to find answers to your questions is to check out our Help Center.
Visit Help CenterCouldn’t find an answer to your question? You can submit a request and one of our specialists will get back to you within 24 hours (inside of our operating hours.)
Sumbit a requestStart a conversation with one of our experts to get assistance in real-time.
*This option is only available once you are logged into your Melio account during operating hours.
"Melio has been key to my Accounts Payable functions. They've allowed me to float a ton of expenses while not having to take out loans. Their simple user interface and awesome customer support free up our staff to deal with other problem areas. Well done!"
"Finally, a simple electronic payment method to streamline bill pay. We're one step closer to getting rid of checks all together! The Melio dashboard takes convenience to the next level."
"We started using Melio for the credit card, but now we use it to pay all our vendors and we love the simplicity."